Structural Factors of Post-Migration Inclusiveness: The Struggle for EU Free Movement as a History of Possibilities, 1985-2015, EuropeNow Journal, Special Issue 51, Hallensleben, M., Schramm, M. The Politics of Postmigration, Council of European Studies (CES) at Columbia University
Retracing the `Return to Europe's fissures: Factors of dilution of a deepened Eastward enlargement in the aftermath of 1989, St. Antony's International Review (STAIR), St. Antony's College, University of Oxford
Dialogues and transfers: The (po)ethical-practical rescue of the Digital Humanities, Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) Newsletter, Special Issue 35, 06/2023: Beyond the hype: How will large language models impact research practices?